Therapeutic Approach

My therapeutic style is curious, compassionate, & engaged.
I am warm but direct.
I don’t sit back and nod my head for an hour.
You are coming to therapy for more than that.

You want to be heard, but you also need relief. I help my clients learn and feel empowered to practice coping strategies inside and outside of the office. This looks like improving body awareness, practicing mindfulness, and learning about attachment. I explore with my clients how their primary family system and attachment figures have impacted how they relate to the world presently. I call my practice integrative because I weave together somatics, attachment theory, eastern Buddhist wisdom and mindfulness, neuropsychology,  and other cutting edge developing modalities that meets the client where they are at.

 I also offer EMDR to reprocess trauma and negative beliefs systems, because sometimes talk therapy alone does not change how we feel. Trauma resides in the body, not in the thinking part of the brain, and I have found enormous meaning helping my clients move forward from awful memories or distorted beliefs that have limited the way they move through the world. I have seen my clients over again find more freedom and peace, which allow them to live bigger lives.

My practice is strongly informed by a compassionate stance that we are all doing the best we can in a crazy world! In a time of environmental destruction, violence, and a fast technological pace, sometimes it is impossible NOT to feel anxious or afraid. It is becoming harder to slow down, get calm, and feel connected to the people in our lives and the earth. I believe that we are innately whole and intact, and searching for well-being. In this way I see my therapist role also as a connected ally: humanizing your challenges and championing your strengths.

Therapy Services

Individual Therapy

Women & Perinatal Support

Teen Therapy

EMDR Therapy